As per current scenario ,we need to do manual intervention to find the last processing date for each table .now we have created power shell scripts to find the last processing date for each table for the cube for analysis server . In Analysis Services, only the last process date for SSAS database are stored […]
Azure analysis services processing using REST API
We can use REST API method for processing AAS cube , please find the full adf pipeline below which capture the logging as well if error comes up .REST API can processing only full data for AAS cube. This pipeline is very generic which we can use for minimum effort of code changes you just […]
Azure Analysis services Partition Creation and Processing using Azure Automation Account(PowerShell)
Azure Analysis service is a Azure product which being used for analysis of raw data and provide useful information for making business need and this is cloud based product provide by Microsoft. This article is useful for create the partition for fact table on monthly basis and process it i.e we can create TableName_082021 and […]
Power BI Change Source option is disable/Option is greyed out
We have observed Power BI change Source option is greyed out or disable hence we cant change the source from Dev to UAT or Prod . Lets look at below image where changes source option got disable that means you cant change the source . we have tried to search the solution from Microsoft , […]
ADF data load on Sql table from blob
This blog help to load data into sql table then process AAS cube using power shell . Later we have execute the sub pipeline below :-
Azure data factory Full Load pipeline Extraction zone
Azure data factory Full Load pipeline There are main pipeline which start the ADF machine as we have integration runtime to connect Oracle database . We have use execute pipeline to load all dim and fact .first part to load only small dim table :-
Write Back using power ON custom Visual at power BI
Power BI visual used custom visual given by POWERON company .Power On given many visual mention below and there custom visual which have smart features which help to visual planned like Table editor ,Smart filter etc. We are majorly discussing on table editor which give functionally to write back feature and update the visual in […]
Restart the Azure ADF machine
We need to stop the azure VM because azure cast each running cast based on used .hence we created powershell scripts to start to stop the Vms based on running . We can use above scripts and please create credential using SPN on azure active directly else its will ask each time to auththe resource